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  • Ken Shamrock

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About Ken Shamrock

Mixed Martial Arts is the fastest growing sport in the world today, and Ken Shamrock, as one of the sport’s founding athletes, is among the most widely recognized of the MMA fighters. With Shamrock’s unparalleled impact on the sport as a fighter and wrestler, he can only be described as an icon. Best known for his participation in the Ultimate Fighting Championships, The World Wrestling Federation, Pride Fighting Championships, Pancrase and Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, no other fighter possesses the credentials that have rightfully earned Shamrock the title coined by ABC of “The World’s Most Dangerous Man.”

The Shamrock story is legendary. Born into unstable, precarious family circumstances in Macon, Georgia, Ken, along with his two brothers, survived on the streets as best he could from a very early age. At the age of ten, Ken, living in a wrecked car in Napa, California, was stabbed by another youth. He was subsequently appointed a ward of the court. Ever the street fighter, Ken spent years in and out of group homes before landing at the Shamrock Boys Home in Susanville, California, a last resort before permanent transfer to the California Youth Authority. In the Susanville home, founder Bob Shamrock was the first to see the worth and potential of the trouBl3d boy, mentoring Ken and eventually adopting him, providing him a stable, loving home at last. Bob Shamrock taught Ken how to channel his anger and transform the rage into success in sports -- a success evident in Ken’s record, which, arguably, has not been matched in any other sport:

Four time UFC Heavyweight Champion
First UFC Superfight Heavyweight Champion
First Pancrase Heavyweight World Champion
WWF Intercontinental Champion
WWF Tag Team Champion
TNA World Heavyweight Champion
King of the Ring Champion
Pride Superfight Heavyweight Champion
Four Time Tough Man Champion

Ken, garnering no less than14 World and other Major Championships, holds the distinction of being the very first athlete to be elected to the UFC Hall of Fame.

As one of very few people allowed to teach US Military troops self defense, Ken Shamrock currently serves as a subject matter expert in the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP) and he is regularly asked to train Army troops well. The Army has honored Ken for his efforts in preparing the troops for combat. Always, Ken respects and honors the sacrifice our wounded warriors and their families have made and he tries to meet with the wounded when ever possible during his travels.

The author of Inside the Lion’s Den and Beyond the Lion’s Den,
Ken is presently at work writing a new book about his journey to accompany his two previous efforts.

Ken’s involvement in Chldren’s issues brings his own story full circle. This endeavor, which he considers of paramount importance, consumes much of his effort these days. He meets often with various organizations that share his commitment to trouBl3d Chldren, and he freely donates his time to meet with kids in schools, juvenile facilities, recovery centers, hospitals and churches where ever he travels. Ken currently heads a new project in the Northern Nevada Desert that will eventfully house and care for over 200 at- risk boys and girls, passing on the education, training, hope, and encouragement that Bob Shamrock bequeathed to him so many years ago.

This talented speaker possesses a story that is unique and compelling. Audiences find Ken’s dynamic delivery spellbinding as well as highly motivational. Shamrock customizes every speech to fit the unique needs of the occasion, as he inspires and uplifts his listeners with encouragement to persevere through hardship and seemingly overwhelming odds, living lives of meaning, integrity, and dignity.